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Starter code for the Duke project

Duke Task Manager

Version by: nigellenl

Running the Application

Application Features

Feature Syntax Description
List list Displays the list of tasks
Todo todo [task name] Adds a todo task to the list
Event event [task name] /at [date] Adds an event with a specified date to the list
Deadline deadline [task name] /at [date] Adds a deadline with a specified date to the list
Done done [task number] Marks the specified task as completed
Find find [keyword] Returns a list of tasks that contain the specified keyword
Delete delete [task number] Deletes the specified task from the list
Exit bye Closes the application


Add tasks:

todo return books
deadline english homework /by 2020-02-07
event group meeting /at 2020-01-29

Mark as done:

done 3

A task that is marked as done will be represented with the symbol while a task that is incomplete will be represented with the symbol.

Display list:


The list will be displayed in the following format:

[T][✘] return books
[D][✘] english homework (by: Feb 7 2020)
[E][✓] group meeting (at: Jan 29 2020)

Find tasks:

find books

The following task(s) will be displayed:

[T][✘] return books

Delete tasks:

delete 1

The following task will be removed:

[T][✘] return books

Feedback, Bug Reports